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    Treasure Hunt Verona

    In the spectacular scenery of the city of Verona and its minor districts, Borgo Roma, Veronetta and Santa Lucia, guardians of historical, urban and landscape beauties, we are waiting for you for a great team game for families.

    A special App will guide you through the game.

    Free admission.

    For more information and reservations (by 20 September)

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Treasure Hunt Verona is part of the School & Community project of Rete Tante Tinte, developed in collaboration with Fondazione Aida, which has obtained funding under MiBACT’s Piano Cultura Futuro Urbano. The funding aims to support projects to promote and enhance the suburbs of metropolitan cities and provincial capitals throughout Italy.


    Call: 045/8001471 or write to info@cacciaaltesoro.it

    On 3 October 2020, we will have fun together in a great team game, free of charge, for young and adults. A special Treasure Hunt is planned in the smaller districts of our city.

    Pier Paolo Pasolini in New York

    Thanks to a special friendship with Graziella Chiarcossi and Vincenzo Cerami, respectively Pasolini’s cousin and pupil, as well as screenwriter of La Vita è Bella, and a network of important institutions, it was possible to create one of the most complex projects ever dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini.

    Fondazione Aida built a new idea of project, a horizontal design, that is to say, involving conferences, exhibitions, music, theatre, publishing and cinema around the ‘Maestro’.

    An enlarged dream, diffused by communion and friendship realised in a solid table of intentions and strong and propositive wills.

    From 26 November to 18 December 2007, the Big Apple saw a series of concerts, films and documentary screenings, readings, exhibitions, shows and meetings held in various cultural venues in New York.

    One of the highlights was the US premiere of Accattone in Jazz – A Tribute to Pier Paolo Pasolini at the Walter Reade Theater.

    The musical performance featured Roberto Gatto on drums, Danilo Rea on piano and Valerio Mastandrea, who recited excerpts from Accattone (1960).

    The protagonists:

    The main protagonists of the review include: Aisha Cerami, singer, Carlo di Carlo, director, Matteo Cerami.

    But also Patti Smith, musician and poet, Gianni Borgna, President of the ‘Fondazione Musica per Roma’, Goffredo Pettini, President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Roberto Chiesi, Curator of the Centro Studi-Archivio Pier Paolo Pasolini of the Cineteca di Bologna.

    Finally, also taking part in the project there were: Antonio Monda, teacher and journalist, Nuccio Siano, musician and director, Andrea Colocci, bass player, Roberto Marino, pianist, Salvatore Zambataro, clarinettist and accordionist.



    The following have also joined the project: Italian Cultural Institute of New York, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, MiBACT, Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, Cinema Festa Internazionale di Roma, IMAIE, Cineteca di Bologna and Assessorato alla Cultura della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Musica per Roma.

    With the support of ASTI Spumanti.

    Festival of Ville Venete

    After five months of magic, in the name of the culture and food and wine excellence of Veneto, the eighth edition of the Festival delle Ville Venete ends on Friday 30 October. The event will be closed by the well-known populariser of science and writer Alberto Angela.

    More than 150 events in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia animated the Festival: a real project of itinerant, cultural, architectural and food and wine realization, an initiative successfully carried out by the Ville Venete Regional Institute under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Veneto Region, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Anci Veneto.

    On Friday 30 October at 5 p.m., on the occasion of the Ceremony of the Villa Veneta Prize 2015, that will be held in the Sala dello Scrutinio of Palazzo Ducale in Venice, Alberto Angela will be awarded for his precious contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage that he has been giving with his work for years. Presenting his latest book, ‘Viaggio nell’Impero di Roma seguendo una moneta’ (Journey into the Roman Empire following a coin), published by Mondadori, Angela will lead the participants through an ideal and intense journey to the borders of what was once the Roman Empire. Step by step, you will discover the behind the scenes of the first great globalisation in history. The book is ideally the continuation of ‘Una giornata nell’antica Roma’ (A Day in Ancient Rome), another editorial success of the cosmopolitan writer.

    Grains of History

    The project involved a group of young people from the territories of Nogara, Sorgà and Gazzo Veronese. They realised a documentary that could tell the specificities of this area, the evolution of its economy, the living conditions, the thought and the habits of its inhabitants. Above all, the work that characterises this area: the cultivation, harvesting and processing of rice.

    Through interviews with the workers of the past and the exposition of their memories, anecdotes and private stories, the analysis of archival documents, testimonies of scholars, with the participation of young people who live and work in the area, we tried to tell moments of the work of the past and the changes that have characterized the life of the local population over the decades.

    The documentary underlines the importance of understanding how, even in these difficult times, it is possible to find in one’s own cultural roots the basis for building a possible future. Recounting the past, the present and the ideas for a possible future of men and companies linked to the territory means telling the story of a small world with its difficulties and joys, with its merits and also its defects, with its hopes and disappointments, but above all it means giving a positive testimony of operability and possible economic but also cultural and social development.


    A closing event was held on the 15th October at the municipal theatre in Nogara. The documentary was first screened, followed by a discussion on the history of Vialone Nano. At the end there was a reception with risotto for all those present.

    Activities carried out

    • Creation of a working group, comprising a minimum of 5 young people from the area;
    • research and collection of data, documents, stories, by the young participants, on the basis of the indications received from one or more memory experts in the area;
    • processing of the documents, carrying out of interviews, video shooting, under the guidance of an expert video maker;
    • elaboration and realisation of the finished multimedia product, under the guidance of an experienced director and with the support of the video maker;
    • dissemination of the product through social channels, in order to offer an opportunity to get to know the area, especially to a young audience;
    • final presentation of the multimedia product and dissemination of the results of the experience.

    In our Home

    “A casa nostra” is an innovative project financed by the Veneto Region to “revive” the regional live performance system, dedicated to companies from the Veneto region that have been active in our region for at least three years (theatre, dance, music), called to operate in municipal theatres with artistic residencies to trigger virtuous mechanisms for the rebirth of the theatre as a creative and productive sector.

    We at Fondazione Aida are among the companies chosen and, with Febo Teatro, are developing a residency project at Fondazione Teatro delle Dolomiti.

    What are we doing?

    A rather complex theatrical project involving the staging of a new children’s theatre show, ‘The Secret of the Pied Piper’, which we will present to you between December and March.

    The project is realised by the Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza, leader of the municipal theatres, in partnership with Arteven – Circuito Multidisciplinare Regionale and with the Teatro Stabile del Veneto; artistic coordinator of the project is Giancarlo Marinelli, writer and director.

    In our Home is realised within the framework of the Accordo di programma Regione del Veneto. L.R. 22 febbraio 1999, n.7 – art. 51.