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    Festival of Ville Venete

    More than 30,000 people were the spectators at the Festival organised by the Istituto Regionale Ville Venete.

    After five months of magic, in the name of the culture and food and wine excellence of Veneto, the eighth edition of the Festival delle Ville Venete ends on Friday 30 October. The event will be closed by the well-known populariser of science and writer Alberto Angela.

    More than 150 events in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia animated the Festival: a real project of itinerant, cultural, architectural and food and wine realization, an initiative successfully carried out by the Ville Venete Regional Institute under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Veneto Region, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Anci Veneto.

    On Friday 30 October at 5 p.m., on the occasion of the Ceremony of the Villa Veneta Prize 2015, that will be held in the Sala dello Scrutinio of Palazzo Ducale in Venice, Alberto Angela will be awarded for his precious contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage that he has been giving with his work for years. Presenting his latest book, ‘Viaggio nell’Impero di Roma seguendo una moneta’ (Journey into the Roman Empire following a coin), published by Mondadori, Angela will lead the participants through an ideal and intense journey to the borders of what was once the Roman Empire. Step by step, you will discover the behind the scenes of the first great globalisation in history. The book is ideally the continuation of ‘Una giornata nell’antica Roma’ (A Day in Ancient Rome), another editorial success of the cosmopolitan writer.



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