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    Grains of History

    Chicco di riso (Grain of rice) is a project that has enabled young people to make a documentary on the areas historically characterised by rice processing.

    The project involved a group of young people from the territories of Nogara, Sorgà and Gazzo Veronese. They realised a documentary that could tell the specificities of this area, the evolution of its economy, the living conditions, the thought and the habits of its inhabitants. Above all, the work that characterises this area: the cultivation, harvesting and processing of rice.

    Through interviews with the workers of the past and the exposition of their memories, anecdotes and private stories, the analysis of archival documents, testimonies of scholars, with the participation of young people who live and work in the area, we tried to tell moments of the work of the past and the changes that have characterized the life of the local population over the decades.

    The documentary underlines the importance of understanding how, even in these difficult times, it is possible to find in one’s own cultural roots the basis for building a possible future. Recounting the past, the present and the ideas for a possible future of men and companies linked to the territory means telling the story of a small world with its difficulties and joys, with its merits and also its defects, with its hopes and disappointments, but above all it means giving a positive testimony of operability and possible economic but also cultural and social development.


    A closing event was held on the 15th October at the municipal theatre in Nogara. The documentary was first screened, followed by a discussion on the history of Vialone Nano. At the end there was a reception with risotto for all those present.

    Activities carried out

    • Creation of a working group, comprising a minimum of 5 young people from the area;
    • research and collection of data, documents, stories, by the young participants, on the basis of the indications received from one or more memory experts in the area;
    • processing of the documents, carrying out of interviews, video shooting, under the guidance of an expert video maker;
    • elaboration and realisation of the finished multimedia product, under the guidance of an experienced director and with the support of the video maker;
    • dissemination of the product through social channels, in order to offer an opportunity to get to know the area, especially to a young audience;
    • final presentation of the multimedia product and dissemination of the results of the experience.




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