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    Diversamente a teatro

    For three years, from 2014 to June 2017, Diversamente a teatro offered a training and work placement opportunity in the theatre sector to a group of young people with disabilities without distinction in terms of contract or economic level compared to other workers in the sector.

    This initiative is inspired by international models and is a pilot project made possible thanks to the support of Fondazione UmanaMente. Thanks to Diversamente a teatro, this group of young people became an integral part of the organisational structure of the theatre. THE STAFF bar has become the space in which this project has found concreteness and offers them the opportunity to express their professionalism. Thanks to the contribution of the Cattolica Foundation, the Valle dei Laghi Theatre has become a place for cultural aggregation, social integration and experimentation.

    After the closure of the Valle dei Laghi Theatre in Vezzano, this opportunity disappeared. Hence the idea of Associazione Atti, Oasi Valle dei Laghi and our foundation to give continuity to the initiative.

    Chef a teatro and Lettori Olimpici are the natural continuation of this project. Over the years they have in fact found continuity and support thanks to a network of sensitive and shrewd partners.

    A project by ATTI, Comunità Valle dei Laghi, Fondazione Aida, Associazione Oasi.

    Realised with the support of Fondazione Cattolica Assicurazioni and Fondazione Umanamente.

    The Wizard of Oz

    The show

    Dorothy, a child who lives in Kansas with her uncles, is thrown by a sudden cyclone in a country populated by strange characters.She lands in the village of Succhialimoni, some bizarre little men who thank her for having killed the wicked Witch of the East, crushed by the fall of the house.

    Her only thought is to return home, but it seems that the only one who can help her is the Wizard of Oz.Along the way that will lead her to the Wizard, Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion.Dorothy’s new friends think they have a void to fill, so they need the intervention of the Wizard of Oz.The Scarecrow believes he needs a brain, the Tin Woodman a heart and the Lion of courage, while Dorothy wants nothing more than to return to her country.

    During the journey, each of them, facing their fears to overcome the obstacles they will encounter along the way, will show that they already possess what they thought they lacked.

    Turning directly to Baum’s text, we tried to highlight the most “fantastic” aspect linked to that experience through which we all went through.

    That dangerous and tortuous path which is growing up, becoming great.

    It definitely takes brain, heart and courage!


    Director’s notes

    “The journey that little Dorothy makes to the country of Oz, together with her little dog Toto and the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion, is not only a journey that starts from Kansas (that is, from a real state in America ) to arrive in a fantastic country, but it is also a journey into Fantasy and with Fantasy. And what can be better, in a theatrical show, than using the THEATER to undertake this wonderful journey? Can it be done? Imagine on stage those strange machines that, at that time when there were no computers or speakers, were used precisely in the Theater to reproduce sound. The beautiful wind machine, for example, a kind of windmill rustling wood on a canvas, or the thunder machines, sheet metal plates hung on a wooden easel. Imagine that those machines are also capable of making you discover different places a little at a time and of knowing how to create colorful and fantastic landscapes. Immagine the character of the story that jump out as if by magic from the old twisted ropes or from the old dusty trunks. Then imagine in that Theater three actors who start playing with those objects that have become beautiful puppets and with those machines full of magical and mysterious sounds and effects. Three actors who use not only the word, but also and above all the body with its rhythm and its thousand possibilities. A game very similar to what children play. This will be our theatrical game, a game that today’s children sometimes seem to have forgotten. Which has been replaced by all those electronic “devilry” – useful in the theater as they are often also useful for children – but which seem to have dulled the imagination and creative force of our “I child”, both in theater and in life. A show with actors and puppets on stage, suitable for everyone from 4 years old. ”

    Pino Costalunga – director


    One of the most beautiful fairy tales for children, taken from the famous story by L. Frank Baum which retains its charm intact over time.A wonderful journey, in that dangerous and tortuous path that is growing up, becoming great.It definitely takes brain, heart and courage!


    Clear-Creative Learning

    From 2016 to 2018 Fondazione Aida participated in the European project CLEAR (Creative LEARning) – Erasmus+ KA2- Strategic partnerships for schools promoted by the European Commission. With this project we have defined guidelines and teaching tools for teachers who intend to introduce theatre techniques into their teaching methodologies.


    With this project we wanted to improve teachers’ knowledge and skills in the use of theatre language as an innovative and effective teaching method for primary and pre-primary schools. Regardless of the subject of education covered. In two years we have created a community of teachers trained in this method who can improve and share what they have learned and transfer it to their classroom.


    We have created a document that includes examples and best practices related to the use of this language for teaching.

    The material used is digital and of high quality, aimed at teachers, trainers and educators who wish to introduce theatre into their educational pathways in order to improve the quality of training.

    E-learning seminars in English and teacher training workshops were held in all partner countries.


    In a first phase in Sofia and Izmir we analysed the education systems of each country.

    Each member state created a working group that developed teaching worksheets for creative teaching of specific modules.

    In October 2017, the partners took part in a meeting organised in Verona. We met to discuss and be trained on the method developed, the worksheets produced and to define guidelines for the training of other teachers in the respective countries. By the end of the year, seminars were organised in each partner country to explain how to introduce the developed creative methodologies in the classroom.

    In spring 2018, the teachers then experimented with one or more of the suggested courses. They made a short report reporting on the effectiveness of the methodology and possible improvements.


    In addition to Italy, represented by Fondazione Aida as a professional training centre for teachers accredited by MIUR, the following participated in the project: Kentro Spoudon Laikou Theatrou from Greece, Coordinator, Action Synergy Sa and the 12th “Stergiopoulos” Elementary School of Halandri Ioanninon & Taygetou also from Greece, then Fondatsiya Za Rodopite from Bulgaria, Integration För Alla from Sweden and Karsiyaka Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu from Turkey.

    Cicerone at home

    “Ciceroni a casa nostra” is a project financed by the Veneto Region and implemented by Fondazione Aida. The aim is to teach young people how to enhance their own territory, through a series of meetings and workshops. The young people who took part in the project created itineraries aimed at promoting the territories of the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone and Zimella.

    Project phases

    The first phase involved a series of organisational meetings between the partners, Fondazione Aida and the young protagonists.

    In a second moment, in the period between 10 November 2016 and 27 February 2017, the phase comprising 17 meetings was launched. A group of 6 young people enrolled in the course: Andrea Dal Bosco, Arianna dal Bosco, Chiara Castellan, Marianna Ambrosini, Giulia dal Grande, Giulio De Marchi. The group then reached the number of 10 members in the next part of the project with the arrival of: Giada Bosaro, Francesco Segneghi, Mirca Mattioli, Rosanna Carli.


    Stefania Carlesso, actress and expert in art and architecture, tried to explain the mechanisms behind the creation of events. Historical-artistic or literary themes are conveyed in formats that combine high popularity with entertainment.

    Then, she assigned, dividing them among the young participants, the paths to be built in the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone, Zimella. In the course of the weeks the participants were guided in the elaboration of the paths themselves. Therefore, a series of useful skills were transferred to the group of young people to convey cultural contents in an engaging and dynamic way.


    Social Network.

    On 10 March, 24 March, 7, 14, 21 April there was a phase of five meetings where the participants had the opportunity to practice the creation of a promotional video, acquiring the basic techniques and thus deepening the skills to promote the paths/projects they created. The youngsters received the necessary indications to make the most of the world of social networks for the promotion of the projects. A Facebook profile and an Instagram profile related to the project were created.

    Project strategies

    On 27 March, a training seminar was held on innovation processes and promoting one’s own activity in the territory. The trainees got to know dynamic projects and realities that deal with territorial promotion. They were able to compare themselves with national and international projects. They were able to learn the project strategies implemented by established organisations, deepen their understanding of the development of territorial promotion and transform the knowledge gained into an exercise adapted to the project on which they have been working successfully over the past few months.

    Telling the itinerary

    During the weekend of 22 to 25 April 2017, they took part in a fair space made available by the municipality of San Bonifacio for the San Marco fair. In shifts which they planned and organised themselves, the participants told the story of the project and presented it to a wide audience, supported by representatives of the administrations involved. In that context, for the first time they were able to relate to the outside world with satisfactory results. The group remained cohesive even after the end of the project steps, and planned further meetings with the help of the administrations of the municipalities of origin, which they will manage independently.

    Grains of History

    The project involved a group of young people from the territories of Nogara, Sorgà and Gazzo Veronese. They realised a documentary that could tell the specificities of this area, the evolution of its economy, the living conditions, the thought and the habits of its inhabitants. Above all, the work that characterises this area: the cultivation, harvesting and processing of rice.

    Through interviews with the workers of the past and the exposition of their memories, anecdotes and private stories, the analysis of archival documents, testimonies of scholars, with the participation of young people who live and work in the area, we tried to tell moments of the work of the past and the changes that have characterized the life of the local population over the decades.

    The documentary underlines the importance of understanding how, even in these difficult times, it is possible to find in one’s own cultural roots the basis for building a possible future. Recounting the past, the present and the ideas for a possible future of men and companies linked to the territory means telling the story of a small world with its difficulties and joys, with its merits and also its defects, with its hopes and disappointments, but above all it means giving a positive testimony of operability and possible economic but also cultural and social development.


    A closing event was held on the 15th October at the municipal theatre in Nogara. The documentary was first screened, followed by a discussion on the history of Vialone Nano. At the end there was a reception with risotto for all those present.

    Activities carried out

    • Creation of a working group, comprising a minimum of 5 young people from the area;
    • research and collection of data, documents, stories, by the young participants, on the basis of the indications received from one or more memory experts in the area;
    • processing of the documents, carrying out of interviews, video shooting, under the guidance of an expert video maker;
    • elaboration and realisation of the finished multimedia product, under the guidance of an experienced director and with the support of the video maker;
    • dissemination of the product through social channels, in order to offer an opportunity to get to know the area, especially to a young audience;
    • final presentation of the multimedia product and dissemination of the results of the experience.

    The magic of Zecchino d’oro

    A gift in music that wants to pay homage to an appointment that has become a tradition. An event that has been able to cross the years with sobriety, lightness and elegance without ever losing sight of its identity. So here is Il Magico Zecchino d’Oro, a title that is already a program.  A musical born from the collaboration between Antoniano of Bologna, Fondazione Aida of Verona and Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara of  Trento, supported by Geomag and Valfrutta.


    What to expect from Il Magico Zecchino d’Oro? A show in the show in which the songs will be the absolute protagonists together with fantasy and a pinch of magic. Memories, emotions, sensations, moments lived and to relive. This and much more will be present in what can be defined as a musical fantasy able to surprise everyone, young and old. Protagonist of the plot, Alice, a little girl who is sometimes afraid of the dark. With her, on stage, the Little Man of the Moon who sends dreams to children while they sleep thanks to the jingling of the golden coin which, however, wants to take possession of the Witch Obscura. There will also be adventures and meetings with some of the most famous characters of the songs that have made the history of the Zecchino d’Oro. A gift that Antoniano gives to us to live together this very special occasion.

    A show to sing along to!

    As you can imagine, the songs will be the absolute protagonists of this production. The most famous and best known musical texts of the Zecchino d’Oro have been specially selected to become the soundtrack of Il Magico Zecchino d’Oro. Songs that have been conceived by the children, sung and voted by them over the years and that now, on this particular occasion, become the backbone of the theatrical dramaturgy. Protagonists in a new way, renewed and revisited while maintaining their style and their authenticity. A curiosity, this, which also represents the originality of Il Magico Zecchino d’Oro that turns out to be an engaging show and suitable for everyone, young and adult.

    Hansel and Gretel and the poor witch

    The show

    Have you ever thought about the famous story of Hansel and Gretel from the point of view of the witch? Yes, that poor witch hungry for children who has devised so many tricks to capture her little victims and in the end becomes a victim herself of her own prey, thrown into the oven to burn! Well, in our story of witches there is not only one, but three and they are here to tell us, many years later, of the beautiful days when there were “such dark times and the children were good to eat”. Witches, as everyone knows, love to dress up to avoid being recognized by children. Hansel and Gretel, who are two good and intelligent children who have learned from their parents and books how life goes, immediately have strong suspicions, but alas, witches have magic on their side and not only manage to capture who they decide to have for lunch, but they involve all those they approach in a terrible confusion of rhymes, assonances and rhythms – because you must know that witches speak only in verse – … and so from the witches’ hunger and easy rhyme you are no longer saved, not even if you want to. But is more powerful Magic or Intelligence? What do you say? The theatrical version is a free adaptation from the famous tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.