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    Diversamente a teatro

    For three years, from 2014 to June 2017, Diversamente a teatro offered a training and work placement opportunity in the theatre sector to a group of young people with disabilities without distinction in terms of contract or economic level compared to other workers in the sector.

    This initiative is inspired by international models and is a pilot project made possible thanks to the support of Fondazione UmanaMente. Thanks to Diversamente a teatro, this group of young people became an integral part of the organisational structure of the theatre. THE STAFF bar has become the space in which this project has found concreteness and offers them the opportunity to express their professionalism. Thanks to the contribution of the Cattolica Foundation, the Valle dei Laghi Theatre has become a place for cultural aggregation, social integration and experimentation.

    After the closure of the Valle dei Laghi Theatre in Vezzano, this opportunity disappeared. Hence the idea of Associazione Atti, Oasi Valle dei Laghi and our foundation to give continuity to the initiative.

    Chef a teatro and Lettori Olimpici are the natural continuation of this project. Over the years they have in fact found continuity and support thanks to a network of sensitive and shrewd partners.

    A project by ATTI, Comunità Valle dei Laghi, Fondazione Aida, Associazione Oasi.

    Realised with the support of Fondazione Cattolica Assicurazioni and Fondazione Umanamente.

    Discovering the Venetian villas and palaces of Verona

    Unknown villas, some of which have never been surveyed, stately homes built over the centuries close to the city, just outside the walls, buildings of immense historical and artistic value on which not enough has been reflected. What cultural model do they respond to? Did they have a function of only representation, of ostentation of their status and of Goldonian holiday? And above all, today, what is the state of conservation and enhancement of this ‘hidden’ heritage, incorporated in contemporary urban expansion?


    These are the themes addressed during the round table “Le Ville e i Palazzi storici di Verona e dintorni. Un patrimonio urbano e suburbano da ri-conoscere e ri-valutare” that was held in Verona on 6 and 7 December 2019. Also present during the event were the Councillor for Culture, Tourism, Youth Policies, Equal Opportunities Francesca Briani and the President of the 1st District – Historical Centre Giuliano Occhipinti.



    During the meeting there were authoritative guests in the scientific field such as Prof. Daniela Zumiani, Professor of History of Architecture at the University of Verona, on the topic “ Tra palazzo di città e villa suburbana: lo schifar la noia della rampante borghesia veronese (sec. XVII-XIX)”, Doctor Francesco Monicelli for a focus on the suburban villas of the Giusti family and unknown villas and Prof. Danilo Gasparini, professor of History of Agriculture and Food at the University of Padua who dealt with the topic entitled “Palladio’s minor daughters”. The Verona villas between prestige and oblivion. The programme includes guided tours by Prof. Daniela Zumiani.

    Fundraising campaign for Teatro Onlife

    With the ongoing health emergency, theatres, as well as many other spaces of aggregation and culture, have closed leaving a huge void. Teatro Onlife wants to be a valid and structured alternative to the physical space of the theatre, a new way of doing and enjoying this art form, with the spectators at the centre.

    Which will also be useful when the theatres open.

    We will develop a specific software platform that will enable the theatre, and especially children’s theatre, to break the traditional patterns of representation and enter a new, innovative, virtual dimension.

    The project represents a challenge that Children’s Theatre is taking in combining three different subjects

    1. the actor with his performing and pedagogical action
    2. the audience, in particular the children’s audience, including children with disabilities
    3. the digital system

    The challenge is to keep alive and constant the denominator that makes a live performance a unique and interactive event, creating new audiences by meeting on a dedicated digital platform.

    How to support the project?

    • with a bank transfer or cheque benefiting of the Art Bonus (i.e. you will receive a tax credit equal to 65% of the donation)
    • through the crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe

    How Teatro Onlife develops

    We will develop several innovative technologies. The ones that in 90 days will allow us to go on stage in a more structured way than the experiments done so far are:

    The creation of the web platform that will host the different virtual spaces (each one corresponds to a show).

    In order to create this platform, a team of experts will identify the Minimum Viable Product, that is, the tool that will allow us to identify the simplest version in terms of effectiveness and immediacy and that will offer the main functionalities (called “core”) of Teatro Onlife.

    At the same time, a web and app development team will focus on the creation of two other functional tools of the product: the app for children and the editorial platform.

    App development

    It will allow the spectators, children and young people with parents and grandparents, to interact during the show (with emoj, with predefined drawings, etc.). This phase will be followed by a team of people qualified in web development and app development. In this way the show will be able to use resources such as films, drawings, graphic elements or audio files that can then be reproduced and used by the actors and spectators. As the platform will be managed via multiple remote servers, shows can be run simultaneously with participants connected from any location. Parents will be able to set up their children’s accounts, book shows and monitor the progress of the shows via the website, while children will be able to access them via the tablet app.

    The online publishing platform

    Directors and actors will contribute to the creation of the palimpsest, i.e. the structured programming of events to take part in. This part consists of the:

    • virtual space with graphics, backgrounds and sounds, programming of visual and sound effects (we will animate the different virtual spaces)
    • broadcasting of the story on the day and at the times set by the schedule, execution of the storyboard and real-time management of interaction with the children.

    Who will do what?

    To carry out this phase, we will select a design team composed of a children’s theatre director, a child psychologist, a child illustrator, a web designer, a systems engineer and an organisational coordinator.

    With the development of these technologies, Teatro Onlife can go on stage.

    Realisation time

    90 days

    Planning start: 22 March 2021

    Experimentation in the summer period

    Platform launch in the 2021/2022 theatre season

    When will the public be able to use it?

    Teatro Onlife will become a permanent activity and structure that will complement more traditional theatre programming.

    Teatro Onlife performances will be available to the public from the 2021/2022 theatre season: we will coordinate in-person performances and Onlife events, which will be open to a wide, unrestricted audience.


    Teatro Onlife is a new and innovative way for children to experience theatre.

    It does not replace the in-presence experience. It complements it and will be an opportunity to look to the future!

    Festival of Ville Venete

    After five months of magic, in the name of the culture and food and wine excellence of Veneto, the eighth edition of the Festival delle Ville Venete ends on Friday 30 October. The event will be closed by the well-known populariser of science and writer Alberto Angela.

    More than 150 events in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia animated the Festival: a real project of itinerant, cultural, architectural and food and wine realization, an initiative successfully carried out by the Ville Venete Regional Institute under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Veneto Region, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Anci Veneto.

    On Friday 30 October at 5 p.m., on the occasion of the Ceremony of the Villa Veneta Prize 2015, that will be held in the Sala dello Scrutinio of Palazzo Ducale in Venice, Alberto Angela will be awarded for his precious contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage that he has been giving with his work for years. Presenting his latest book, ‘Viaggio nell’Impero di Roma seguendo una moneta’ (Journey into the Roman Empire following a coin), published by Mondadori, Angela will lead the participants through an ideal and intense journey to the borders of what was once the Roman Empire. Step by step, you will discover the behind the scenes of the first great globalisation in history. The book is ideally the continuation of ‘Una giornata nell’antica Roma’ (A Day in Ancient Rome), another editorial success of the cosmopolitan writer.

    Cicerone at home

    “Ciceroni a casa nostra” is a project financed by the Veneto Region and implemented by Fondazione Aida. The aim is to teach young people how to enhance their own territory, through a series of meetings and workshops. The young people who took part in the project created itineraries aimed at promoting the territories of the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone and Zimella.

    Project phases

    The first phase involved a series of organisational meetings between the partners, Fondazione Aida and the young protagonists.

    In a second moment, in the period between 10 November 2016 and 27 February 2017, the phase comprising 17 meetings was launched. A group of 6 young people enrolled in the course: Andrea Dal Bosco, Arianna dal Bosco, Chiara Castellan, Marianna Ambrosini, Giulia dal Grande, Giulio De Marchi. The group then reached the number of 10 members in the next part of the project with the arrival of: Giada Bosaro, Francesco Segneghi, Mirca Mattioli, Rosanna Carli.


    Stefania Carlesso, actress and expert in art and architecture, tried to explain the mechanisms behind the creation of events. Historical-artistic or literary themes are conveyed in formats that combine high popularity with entertainment.

    Then, she assigned, dividing them among the young participants, the paths to be built in the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone, Zimella. In the course of the weeks the participants were guided in the elaboration of the paths themselves. Therefore, a series of useful skills were transferred to the group of young people to convey cultural contents in an engaging and dynamic way.


    Social Network.

    On 10 March, 24 March, 7, 14, 21 April there was a phase of five meetings where the participants had the opportunity to practice the creation of a promotional video, acquiring the basic techniques and thus deepening the skills to promote the paths/projects they created. The youngsters received the necessary indications to make the most of the world of social networks for the promotion of the projects. A Facebook profile and an Instagram profile related to the project were created.

    Project strategies

    On 27 March, a training seminar was held on innovation processes and promoting one’s own activity in the territory. The trainees got to know dynamic projects and realities that deal with territorial promotion. They were able to compare themselves with national and international projects. They were able to learn the project strategies implemented by established organisations, deepen their understanding of the development of territorial promotion and transform the knowledge gained into an exercise adapted to the project on which they have been working successfully over the past few months.

    Telling the itinerary

    During the weekend of 22 to 25 April 2017, they took part in a fair space made available by the municipality of San Bonifacio for the San Marco fair. In shifts which they planned and organised themselves, the participants told the story of the project and presented it to a wide audience, supported by representatives of the administrations involved. In that context, for the first time they were able to relate to the outside world with satisfactory results. The group remained cohesive even after the end of the project steps, and planned further meetings with the help of the administrations of the municipalities of origin, which they will manage independently.

    Grains of History

    The project involved a group of young people from the territories of Nogara, Sorgà and Gazzo Veronese. They realised a documentary that could tell the specificities of this area, the evolution of its economy, the living conditions, the thought and the habits of its inhabitants. Above all, the work that characterises this area: the cultivation, harvesting and processing of rice.

    Through interviews with the workers of the past and the exposition of their memories, anecdotes and private stories, the analysis of archival documents, testimonies of scholars, with the participation of young people who live and work in the area, we tried to tell moments of the work of the past and the changes that have characterized the life of the local population over the decades.

    The documentary underlines the importance of understanding how, even in these difficult times, it is possible to find in one’s own cultural roots the basis for building a possible future. Recounting the past, the present and the ideas for a possible future of men and companies linked to the territory means telling the story of a small world with its difficulties and joys, with its merits and also its defects, with its hopes and disappointments, but above all it means giving a positive testimony of operability and possible economic but also cultural and social development.


    A closing event was held on the 15th October at the municipal theatre in Nogara. The documentary was first screened, followed by a discussion on the history of Vialone Nano. At the end there was a reception with risotto for all those present.

    Activities carried out

    • Creation of a working group, comprising a minimum of 5 young people from the area;
    • research and collection of data, documents, stories, by the young participants, on the basis of the indications received from one or more memory experts in the area;
    • processing of the documents, carrying out of interviews, video shooting, under the guidance of an expert video maker;
    • elaboration and realisation of the finished multimedia product, under the guidance of an experienced director and with the support of the video maker;
    • dissemination of the product through social channels, in order to offer an opportunity to get to know the area, especially to a young audience;
    • final presentation of the multimedia product and dissemination of the results of the experience.

    Ville Venete and Wine: round table discussion at Vinitaly

    The Venetian Villas are at the centre of a project promoted by the Veneto Region to revitalise the local economies and enhance the values of the Italian Lifestyle. Wine production and events such as “Sorsi d’autore” have contributed to the growth of this project.

    The models of agricultural and manufacturing development, organised during the Republic of Venice, were fundamental to the process of specialisation of the vineyard that we still recognise today. At the heart of this project was historically the Villa Veneta, the forge of economic and productive activity. The territory between Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia was thus occupied by the largest cultural deposit in the world. In the territory, in fact, there are more than 4000 Venetian Villas, among them: 24 Palladian Villas, Unesco World Heritage Sites. Today, thanks to restoration and protection work, these residences represent an economic revival and the history of the region.

    These are the topics discussed at the Ville Venete&Wine Round Table Discussion on Monday 8 April 2019 at the Veneto Region stand for Vinitaly, organised by Fondazione Aida and moderated by Patrizio Roversi.


    Franco Sensini, Director of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas, illustrated the path of recovery and enhancement of the heritage started more than sixty years ago. Danilo Gasparini, Professor of History of Agriculture and Food at the University of Padua, discussed the role of certain patrician families in the process of specialising in the quality vineyard we know today. Alberto Passi, President of the Association for Venetian Villas, will present the history of the genesis of the Venetian Villas in order to understand the agricultural, manufacturing and artistic development of these residences and the key role they play today in the local economies and beyond. Meri Malaguti, director of Fondazione Aida, will present Sorsi d’autore: a good example of an event capable of enhancing heritage through an experience of local excellence.

    Welcoming remarks by: Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region; Cristiano Corazzari, Councillor for Culture of the Veneto Region; Federico Caner, Councillor for Tourism of the Veneto Region.