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    Ville Venete and Wine: round table discussion at Vinitaly

    Patrizio Roversi, Prof. Gasparini, but also Luca Zaia, Alessandro Corazzari, Federico Caner and Alberto Passi were among the protagonists of Ville Venete & Vino, a round table discussion held at Vinitaly 2019 at the stand of the Veneto Region that aims to discuss the fundamental role of Venetian Villas in enhancing the tourism and food and wine sector. This is an objective that is very close to our hearts, given that for more than twenty years with Sorsi d’autore we have been working to enhance the immense cultural heritage represented by these splendid buildings, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the special features of the region’s wine production.

    The Venetian Villas are at the centre of a project promoted by the Veneto Region to revitalise the local economies and enhance the values of the Italian Lifestyle. Wine production and events such as “Sorsi d’autore” have contributed to the growth of this project.

    The models of agricultural and manufacturing development, organised during the Republic of Venice, were fundamental to the process of specialisation of the vineyard that we still recognise today. At the heart of this project was historically the Villa Veneta, the forge of economic and productive activity. The territory between Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia was thus occupied by the largest cultural deposit in the world. In the territory, in fact, there are more than 4000 Venetian Villas, among them: 24 Palladian Villas, Unesco World Heritage Sites. Today, thanks to restoration and protection work, these residences represent an economic revival and the history of the region.

    These are the topics discussed at the Ville Venete&Wine Round Table Discussion on Monday 8 April 2019 at the Veneto Region stand for Vinitaly, organised by Fondazione Aida and moderated by Patrizio Roversi.


    Franco Sensini, Director of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas, illustrated the path of recovery and enhancement of the heritage started more than sixty years ago. Danilo Gasparini, Professor of History of Agriculture and Food at the University of Padua, discussed the role of certain patrician families in the process of specialising in the quality vineyard we know today. Alberto Passi, President of the Association for Venetian Villas, will present the history of the genesis of the Venetian Villas in order to understand the agricultural, manufacturing and artistic development of these residences and the key role they play today in the local economies and beyond. Meri Malaguti, director of Fondazione Aida, will present Sorsi d’autore: a good example of an event capable of enhancing heritage through an experience of local excellence.

    Welcoming remarks by: Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region; Cristiano Corazzari, Councillor for Culture of the Veneto Region; Federico Caner, Councillor for Tourism of the Veneto Region.


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