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    Off the Net

    How can we guide young people towards responsible use of the web? How does the law protect families? But also: what happens in our brains when we talk about internet addiction in its various forms?


    These are the main objectives of Out of the Net. Educational paths for the use of the web, a project that, through the languages ​​of music, theater and cinema, aims to explore the risks and opportunities of the internet and sensitize young people to correct preventive behavior. An initiative to say NO to bullying, ghettoisation and the numerous consequences that derive from improper use of the network.


    The implementation of the Out of the network project was scheduled for spring 2020, due to the ongoing health emergency it is being re-proposed from 9 February 2021 to March 2021 in an online version.

    The choice to propose most of the online activities has taken on a particular value within the project, it is the demonstration that the network should not be demonized but is a tool that can be extremely useful and effective if known and used consciously.


    In addition to the appointments reported below, we are organizing (dates to be defined) the following activities:

    • round table with Simone Grandi (U.O.C Dependencies Verona ULSS Scaligera) live with the Fusinieri Institute of Vicenza. The content will be available for one year on Vimeo. To access the contents, write to Fondazione@fondazioneaida.it
    • Theatrical show and discussion with the students of the Modigliani Art School of Padua.
    • With the director Pino Costalunga the show “Put away that mobile phone” will be screened with video contributions interspersed with insights on the scenic transposition of the text by Aldo Cazzullo
    • Theatrical workshop in presence at the Fusinieri Institute of Vicenza if the anti Covid regulations allow it
    • From 19 March until 18 April 2021, the in-depth analysis by Simone Grandi, U.O.C., will be available free of charge in streaming. Ulss 9 Scaligera, entitled Internet: resource and risks. To access the contents you need to register.

    For info: Fondazione@fondazioneaida.it

    Cicerone at home

    “Ciceroni a casa nostra” is a project financed by the Veneto Region and implemented by Fondazione Aida. The aim is to teach young people how to enhance their own territory, through a series of meetings and workshops. The young people who took part in the project created itineraries aimed at promoting the territories of the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone and Zimella.

    Project phases

    The first phase involved a series of organisational meetings between the partners, Fondazione Aida and the young protagonists.

    In a second moment, in the period between 10 November 2016 and 27 February 2017, the phase comprising 17 meetings was launched. A group of 6 young people enrolled in the course: Andrea Dal Bosco, Arianna dal Bosco, Chiara Castellan, Marianna Ambrosini, Giulia dal Grande, Giulio De Marchi. The group then reached the number of 10 members in the next part of the project with the arrival of: Giada Bosaro, Francesco Segneghi, Mirca Mattioli, Rosanna Carli.


    Stefania Carlesso, actress and expert in art and architecture, tried to explain the mechanisms behind the creation of events. Historical-artistic or literary themes are conveyed in formats that combine high popularity with entertainment.

    Then, she assigned, dividing them among the young participants, the paths to be built in the municipalities involved in the project: San Bonifacio, San Giovanni Ilarione, Monteforte d’Alpone, Zimella. In the course of the weeks the participants were guided in the elaboration of the paths themselves. Therefore, a series of useful skills were transferred to the group of young people to convey cultural contents in an engaging and dynamic way.


    Social Network.

    On 10 March, 24 March, 7, 14, 21 April there was a phase of five meetings where the participants had the opportunity to practice the creation of a promotional video, acquiring the basic techniques and thus deepening the skills to promote the paths/projects they created. The youngsters received the necessary indications to make the most of the world of social networks for the promotion of the projects. A Facebook profile and an Instagram profile related to the project were created.

    Project strategies

    On 27 March, a training seminar was held on innovation processes and promoting one’s own activity in the territory. The trainees got to know dynamic projects and realities that deal with territorial promotion. They were able to compare themselves with national and international projects. They were able to learn the project strategies implemented by established organisations, deepen their understanding of the development of territorial promotion and transform the knowledge gained into an exercise adapted to the project on which they have been working successfully over the past few months.

    Telling the itinerary

    During the weekend of 22 to 25 April 2017, they took part in a fair space made available by the municipality of San Bonifacio for the San Marco fair. In shifts which they planned and organised themselves, the participants told the story of the project and presented it to a wide audience, supported by representatives of the administrations involved. In that context, for the first time they were able to relate to the outside world with satisfactory results. The group remained cohesive even after the end of the project steps, and planned further meetings with the help of the administrations of the municipalities of origin, which they will manage independently.

    In our Home

    “A casa nostra” is an innovative project financed by the Veneto Region to “revive” the regional live performance system, dedicated to companies from the Veneto region that have been active in our region for at least three years (theatre, dance, music), called to operate in municipal theatres with artistic residencies to trigger virtuous mechanisms for the rebirth of the theatre as a creative and productive sector.

    We at Fondazione Aida are among the companies chosen and, with Febo Teatro, are developing a residency project at Fondazione Teatro delle Dolomiti.

    What are we doing?

    A rather complex theatrical project involving the staging of a new children’s theatre show, ‘The Secret of the Pied Piper’, which we will present to you between December and March.

    The project is realised by the Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza, leader of the municipal theatres, in partnership with Arteven – Circuito Multidisciplinare Regionale and with the Teatro Stabile del Veneto; artistic coordinator of the project is Giancarlo Marinelli, writer and director.

    In our Home is realised within the framework of the Accordo di programma Regione del Veneto. L.R. 22 febbraio 1999, n.7 – art. 51.