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    School theatre

    An out-of-class festival!

    Teatro scuola is a festival dedicated to the world of education. It is aimed at students from pre-school, primary and secondary schools.

    The mainstay of Teatro Scuola is the conviction that children’s theatre is a powerful – and by now indispensable – educational tool, capable of facilitating learning processes, contributing to the development of transversal skills that can also be used in contexts other than performance, and mobilising both the cognitive and intellectual sphere, and the emotional, social, aesthetic and value spheres.  

    The shows are scheduled on weekday mornings at the Teatro Stimate.

    They include preparatory moments of in-depth study aimed at teachers, including the use of didactic sheets.

    Thanks to the interest that schools in the city and province continue to show, we have been offering this event for almost forty years.

    Moreover, with this proposal we intend to promote a perception of the theatre as a vital place and an active and proactive meeting space in the life of the city and open to innovations.

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