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    When Findus was Little and Dissapieard

    A story from Sweden about Mr. Peter and a kitten named Findus. Discover their exciting adventures with this reading.

    Pettson’s books – Peter, in translation – and Findus are well known in Sweden, where they come from, and in English-speaking countries, where they are translated. In Italy the translation has not yet been edited. The story presented is a translation by Pino Costalunga. The author is precisely the swedish Sven Nordqvist of whom are also the drawings in the book that is used for the representation.

    The Plot

    The narrative is the story of a cat and its owner. Mr. Pietro lives with his chickens in a large country house and feels very alone. But one day his neighbor Bede Andersson arrives with a cardboard box that reads in large: “Findus. Green peas”. But inside there are no peas, inside there is a small, very small cat … And this is how Findus the cat becomes friends with Pietro and … many other things

    Age: from 3 years old


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