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    Veneto in verse

    Pino Costalunga will interpret the great poets of Veneto and the surrounding area. You will hear the musicality of the dialects that make the Veneto unique, but also the verses of poets who have written in Italian.

    A journey through Venetian poetry, starting with a few hints of ancient poetry, and then moving on to modern and contemporary production.

    The performance will follow in particular the thread of two themes: landscape and love. It will go through several authors from the Veneto area (with some encroachments in the Friuli and Trentino areas), regardless of the language they used.

    So we will hear verses in Venetian by Giacomo Noventa or Mario Stefani; in Trevigiano by Ernesto Calzavara or Zanzotto; in Veronese by Berto Barabarani; in Vicentino by Fernando Bandini. Without forgetting the poets from the Veneto area who wrote in Italian, such as Diego Valeri or David Maria Turoldo.

    Verses that narrate the Veneto and the love, the authors’ love for their land, but also love for life and unquestionable love for their loved one. In the end, there will be verses that leave aside the more serious and “poetic” tone to bring a smile or a hearty laugh to the audience, but which also fit into the great poetic tradition not only of the Veneto, but also of Italy and Europe.

