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    The forest of letters

    Grammar and spelling rules have never been this fun with this reading! Play this treasure hunt with Alin and Carlotta and watch out for grammar traps!

    A nice story with lots of nursery rhymes to play with the spelling rules. In correspondence with the release of Pino Costalunga’s book ‘Il Bosco delle Letter’ published by the Raffaello Publishing Group – Il Mulino a Vento.

    The Plot

    Alin and Carlotta run happily to school: today their teacher has organized a strange treasure hunt. And it will be truly special, with animals, robots, secret passages, dark underground passages and a forest full of … grammar traps. An instructive and entertaining story and a collection of funny nursery rhymes to introduce young readers to Italian spelling and grammar and to understand how much fun you can actually have with rules, words and accents.

    Age: From 7 years old.



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