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    Reading is bad for your health

    A reading that will stimulate children to approach the world of books. Reading should be a pleasure and not an effort, sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the right pages!

    Thanks to this reading, children will have the opportunity to find themselves in front of the charm of good literature and a voice that will make them come alive. It will not be easy to escape this fascination … with the risk of become readers.

    A path to love reading

    A path also for those who do not like to read dedicated to lower secondary school students. The meeting will be set in an ironic and fun way, it will warn of the dangers of reading: “Reading can make you think and think it’s too tiring, is better not to think!” Reading can help you make choices and understand that reality is not as simple as bad TV or tamed journalism often portrays it.

    It will be assumed that many children do not like to read, without blaming children, because often the problem is that reading has really become difficult for many, as many studies show. Furthermore, many have not yet had the opportunity to encounter the right pages that triggered the spring of appreciation.

    Age: from 11 years old

