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    Mozart, the little wizard of music

    Staged with the Haydn Orchestra and the Mozart Festival, the show aims to bring children closer to the life and music of the famous composer.

    The purpose of the initiative is to bring a wide audience of children, young people and adults closer to the character but above all to the music of Mozart, thanks to the magic of theatre and puppetry.

    At the centre of the narrative are Amadeus' many journeys, the important and sometimes cumbersome figures in his life (his father Leopold, Archbishop Colloredo...), and above all his extraordinary ability to absorb all the music that came his way and

    return it in the form of masterpieces that miraculously combine great technical skill with an extraordinary immediacy of communication.

    The instrumental ensemble consists of violin, viola, clarinet, bassoon and harpsichord. On stage, the actors interact with figures and images: puppets and projections expand the theatrical possibilities of the story and the creativity supports, with imagination and intelligence, the musical disclosure.

    Mozart, the Little Sorcerer of Music was staged in 2015 as part of the Haydn Orchestra's symphony season.




    • Con Lara Finadri, Maria Vittoria Barrella e Luciano Gottardi
    • Pupazzi Luciano Gottardi, Ilaria Sainato
    • Disegni di Alessandro Sanna 
    • Costumi disegnati da Alessandro Sanna
    • Costumi realizzati da Antonia Munaretti
    • Scenografie Andrea Coppi 
    • Scenografie realizzate da Guglielmo Avesani
    • I solisti dell’Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento: Stefano Ferrario, violino, Gabriele Marangoni, viola, Stefano Ricci, clarinetto, Flavio Baruzzi, fagotto, Antonella Lorengo, cembalo
    • Regia Nicoletta Vicentini

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