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    Italian sneers … of the author

    Pino Costalunga reads and interprets various important authors: from Calvino to Trevisan. In particular Dino Buzzati, one of the most important authors in Veneto. The fil rouge of these readings is the surreal and the comedy, in fact: author’s sneer!

    It is a reading of various important authors, including the Venetian and never sufficiently appreciated Dino Buzzati with his story “Il corridoio del grande albergo”, followed by two stories by Italo Calvino (two adventures of Marcovaldo) to continue with a story by Stefano Benni, a chapter by Luigi Meneghello and a story by Vitaliano Trevisan, as well as some pages by Paolo Nori… to finish off with a hilarious and very rhythmic reading of Ur Malo from Pomo Pero by Meneghello. The theme of the stories is that of the surreal and the comic, better than … sneer … sneer of the author, in fact: they are all stories with a grotesque and funny atmosphere. In which we laugh, often a lot, but where the author’s search for laughter is always very intelligent, often cynical and evil.

    Reading by Pino Costalunga from pages from Benni ,Buzzati, Calvino, Meneghello, Trevisan, Nori.


