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    The “Fatti di Musica” project was born out of the synergy between five partners. Its main objective is to build a new production and diffusion model that can contribute to the social and cultural growth of children.


    On the 3rd October 2020 we will have fun together in a great team game, free of charge, for young and adults. A special Treasure Hunt is planned in the minor districts of our city.


    Chicco di riso (Grain of rice) is a project that has enabled young people to make a documentary on the areas historically characterised by rice processing.


    Together with four municipalities in the Veronese area, we have implemented a project which has brought the young people involved into play, leading them to create a series of routes and contents for the enhancement of the territory.


    In December 2019 we organised a round table to discover the immense heritage represented by the historical palaces of Verona. The initiative was organised with the contribution of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth Policies, Equal Opportunities and the 1st District – Historical Centre.


    Patrizio Roversi, Prof. Gasparini, but also Luca Zaia, Alessandro Corazzari, Federico Caner and Alberto Passi were among the protagonists of Ville Venete & Vino, a round table discussion held at Vinitaly 2019 at the stand of the Veneto Region that aims to discuss the fundamental role of Venetian Villas in enhancing the tourism and food and wine sector. This is an objective that is very close to our hearts, given that for more than twenty years with Sorsi d’autore we have been working to enhance the immense cultural heritage represented by these splendid buildings, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the special features of the region’s wine production.