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    Courses for children and teenagers

    As indicated by the Ministry of Education in the strategic guidelines drawn up for the educational use of theatrical activities, this expressive form, in its various facets and areas of intervention, has a real educational and therapeutic function and contributes to the formation and consolidation of some fundamental aspects of the growth of children and adolescents.

    It is now known that the use of a theatrical experience structured over time helps to:

    • know more of oneself,
    • improve empathy,
    • self-esteem,
    • one’s relational capacity,
    • succeeds in highlighting the importance of differences.
    • It also helps to overcome people’s fears as well as reinforcing concentration and reflection.
    • It is a powerful means of communication and mediation in situations of disability and frailty.

    We have been dealing with children’s theater for almost 40 years and, thanks to the experience we have gained, we offer theater courses for children and teenagers both in the presence and in the most recent online formula. This second mode of enjoyment of the theatrical experience is clearly calmed with respect to the medium and space. They will go to develop different but equally effective ways of working and relationships that are appreciated by our students.

    A certificate of participation is issued. For face-to-face courses there is a small show(to be evaluated according to the current health situation). The face-to-face courses will change directly online in the event of any closures determined by the pandemic and only for the time necessary.

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