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    Chefs at the theatre

    Show cooking in the name of solidarity

    Chef a teatro (Chef at the theatre) is a social and work inclusion project as well as a show-cooking event with renowned Trentino chefs and the young people of The Staff, Diversamente a teatro (Diversely in the theatre) project, who work as cooks and waiters.

    For one evening, the stages of some theatres are set up as an elegant dining room. They become the stage where star chefs will prepare some of the region’s excellent food and wine live.

    The evenings are filled with delicacies and delicacies, as well as speeches by our performers and journalists commenting on the show.

    Supporting the chefs are the tireless Mirco, Andrea and Leopoldo, in their sixth year of service (first at the Valle deiLaghi Theatre and since 2017 for Chef a teatro). They are joined by new recruits: Irene, Marilena and Paola. All young people who are part of the AssociazioneOasi Valle deiLaghi, a project partner with the Associazione ATTI.

    The project in Trentino is made possible by the precious support of: Fondazione Caritro, the municipalities involved and Coordinamento Teatrale Trentino. In collaboration with FASSA COOP – Famiglia Cooperativa Val di Fassa, De Manincor Cucine a Legna and Osteria A Le Due Spade – Trento, a historical partner.

    Fundamental is also the support of the students of EnaipTrentino of Tesero in welcoming and managing the always numerous audience.