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    Spiral – Structure for Inclusive Arts Learning

    Project financed by the European Union with the Erasmus+ programme

    The project aims to develop and implement curricula dedicated to inclusive arts (theatre, dance, music and multimedia), in order to promote the creation of accessible artistic training structures.

    These facilities will have clear and well-structured learning objectives, along with guidelines to ensure accessibility. The aim is to create inclusive artistic programs (inclusive artistic programmes), an innovative tool to be used in non-formal artistic learning competitions, in order to ensure high accessibility standards.


    • promote the recognition of disabled people as creators of art
    • encourage the active participation and citizenship of people with disabilities
    • ptimize the capabilities of the organizations involved in the project
    • raise awareness and promote accessibility in all its aspects
    • enhance and disseminate the art produced by individuals with disabilities
    • support entrepreneurship and initiative both among organizations and professionals in the sector
    • encourage the adoption of alternative and inclusive forms of communication.


    The participants and recipients of the project will be people with disabilities, who will develop artistic activities.

    In addition to Italy, represented by the Aida Foundation in collaboration with ULSS 9, participating in the project:

    • Portugal Glocalmusic (project leader)
    • Hungary M.S.M.M.E. (Magyar Specialis Muveszeti Muhely Egyesulet)
    • Spain Fundación Uxío Novoneyra
    • Greece Aeroploio Theater – Ena Giapaidia Theater



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