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    Pippi Calzelunghe To Vimmerby and back

    On the occasion of the centenary of Astrid Lindgren’s birth.

    Pippi Calzelunghe To Vimmerby and back

    Pippi Calzelunghe To Vimmerby and Back is a project created on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Astrid Lindgren, the Swedish author of extraordinary and unforgettable children’s books that do not seem to have been affected by the patina of time.

    On the occasion of the centenary we have created a project dedicated to the figure of Pippi Longstocking, a theater show for children, which over time has become an ever green of our foundation and the exhibition A Vimmerby and back.

    With A Vimmerby and back we want first of all to rediscover such a characteristic and important character in children’s literature. A character who became famous in the world for his sympathy and innate ability to communicate. In order also to bring attention, in Italy, to Astrid Lindgren as a fundamental author in the history of literature for both children and in general.

    The exhibition therefore represents a real journey into the history and figure of Pippi Longstocking.

    It is made up of sixty color photographic paintings that illustrate the writer’s life and places. It is a journey into the world of Lindgren, in a glimpse of Sweden that binds all her production and that is present in every line of her novels as a silent and tender protagonist.
    We have also set up this exhibition in collaboration with the Municipality of Verona and the University of Verona. A Vimmerby and back is a child-friendly exhibition itinerary enriched with multimedia corners dedicated to television and film production.

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