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    Legrebi – The Legend of the Great Birth

    A European project under in the name of cultural heritage and mythology across Europe.

    2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage, on the occasion of this significant event Fondazione Aida took part in the European project LegreBi – The Legend of the Great Birth within the Creative Europe programme, which is still running.

    The goal

    The aim of the project is to use theatre to enhance the common European mythological heritage, starting from the myth of Creation and the fact that mythology hides a deep past and at the same time shapes the future of every people.


    The project is based on the creation of a play dedicated to the myth of Creation (Cosmogony) shared and staged in all six partner countries in the local language.

    This play, in fact, includes elements of the mythologies of most European traditions highlighting common elements and similarities rather than differences in order to lead the audience to a reflection on belonging to a common European identity.


    In addition to the staging of the play, the project also has a programme of parallel activities. The programme is extensive and consists of several “sub-events” addressing many forms and categories of audience.

    They are supporting events organised within the theatres, but also tools used outside the theatre. There are exhibitions, readings performed in libraries or in parks, facebook live events.

    We are currently working on an e-learning course and a web portal for professionals from all over Europe to share their experience and expertise with other professionals/cultural organisations across Europe.

    Activities to date include the creation of a publication focusing on creation myths and their common elements.

    Here is the link to our last live stream dedicated to the project.

    The partners

    The coordinator is TOPOS ALLOu-AEROPLIO theatre from Greece, involved are: Action Sinergy also from Greece, Teatr Krzyk from Poland, FOA – Fusion of Arts Association from Romania, Smashing Times Theatre Company Limited from Ireland and Stella Polaris from Norway, as well as our foundation for Italy.

    Publication here

    Reference site here

    Facebook here

    This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


    Letture in biblioteca