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    EUnetART Annual Meeting

    EUnetARt’s annual meeting to promote culture among young people is hosted in Verona, with meetings, performances and a round table discussion.

    Verona hosts, from the 11 to the 14 May 2005, the 15th annual meeting of EUnetART, the main network that brings together organisations (from over 28 countries) promoting culture for children and young people.

    In addition to the work of the Meeting, two special events are planned, open to all cultural operators interested and the Veronese public.

    •  a round table discussion dedicated to European policies in favour of culture for children and young people, which will be held on Saturday 14th May in the morning at the Camploy Theatre (confirmation of participation is appreciated);
    • a review of theatrical performances produced by the main professional theatre companies in the Veneto region, which will be held every day at the Camploy Theatre. (All performances are in English).

    What is EUnetART?

    Founded in 1991 in Bologna, EUnetART is one of the largest international networks.

    It brings together more than 100 professional organisations in 28 European and non-European countries which promote culture for children, young people and youth in different artistic and cultural disciplines and expressions: performing arts, visual arts, music, museums, heritage centres, youth art and communication centres, youth media and festivals.

    EUnetART’s members include some of the largest international institutions and organisations, such as the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the National Theatre in London, Carrousel Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin, Teatralia in Madrid, The Ark in Dublin.

