One of the most important multimedia products created is the dvd dedicated to Gianni Rodari entitled Un sasso nella pond. History and stories of Gianni Rodari developed with Palco, Retropalco Rai 3 and Rai Trade in 2010 on the occasion of the writer’s multiple anniversary.
As for the CDs, the production is very large and constantly expanding:
- The Magico Zecchino d’Oro with the music of the homonymous musical produced for the sixty years of the Antoniano di Bologna.
- Favole on the phone re-proposes the songs of the musical comedy whose music was composed by Maestro Valentino Corvino, at his first experience in the production of musical comedies for families.
- Santa Claus and the Potion of 13 herbs, created with Ricola and the Department of Education of the Municipality of Verona.
- And finally, even if it was actually one of the first, it is possible to appreciate the songs of Processo alle Verdure accompanied by the story by Paolo Poli. This project aimed at raising awareness of healthy and proper nutrition was promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Camst.