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    Travel in Italy from Guido Piovene to the present day

    The year 2017 marks 60 years since the publication of “Il viaggio in Italia”, published by Mondadori in 1957. The meeting should provide an opportunity to rediscover and re-read the Vicenza writer’s reportage, which was destined to become the most famous literary guide of those years.

    Pino Costalunga will re-propose the pages of “Viaggio in Italia” by Guido Piovene, reading in excerpts. We will then immerse ourselves in the same places and landscapes described and recounted by the great author from Vicenza, but also proposing pages by contemporary authors, who describe the same places but today, 50/60 years later.

    Piovene’s Vicenza, the city and its suburbs, meet/clash with the “same pages” of Vitaliano Trevisan, who retains Piovene’s lucidity and often sarcasm, but writes in a different context. Piovene’s Veneto becomes the “Ballade de Jadis” of another important Venetian author, Giulio Mozzi. We find ourselves in Roberto Ferrucci’s Vespa trip between Fusina and Porto Marghera. From Piovene’s Venice to that of Tiziano Scarpa… and so on. Poetic glimpses will not be overlooked, such as the territories described in dense verse by Fabio Franzin, one of the highest voices of contemporary poetry in Veneto and Italy.

    The great writing of Piovene’s territory, as well as that of the other authors presented, is a clear metaphor of an Italy that no longer exists, but also of a general European change, if not of the entire world.

    The year 2017 marks 60 years since the publication of “Il viaggio in Italia”, published by Mondadori in 1957. The meeting should provide an opportunity to rediscover and re-read the Vicenza writer’s reportage, which was destined to become the most famous literary guide of those years.


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