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    The lucky devil

    One-act theatrical text freely taken from the tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.

    Is luck a gift that is given to us or is it something that is created with a lot of effort and willpower? This is the question of the two strange friends who want to tell this story.

    And the story speaks precisely of this: of a boy who, despite being a child ended up in a well where he will find a strange old woman who will invest him with eternal fortune, will have to find, growing up, the strength and courage to overcome the thousand obstacles that arise. parano in front.
    A King envious of the boy’s luck and worried about losing the crown, will try in every way to get rid of him, sending him to hell to tear three golden hairs from the head of the Devil himself, just to get rid of him.
    The boy on the street will meet brigands, queens, strange old ladies, sphinxes with complex riddles and even an unhappy old rower and will come to discover that the Devil also has a grandmother (and what a grandmother)!
    It will be a journey full of courage, twists and turns to the last rhyme.

    Will our hero be able to return safe and sound from the hellish journey concocted by the evil King John?

    Is it really true that luck favors the bold?

    Find out with us!



    • Comic show suitable to be taken in schools but also adaptable in theaters and open spaces
    • Recommended age: 6 to 11 years


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