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    Once upon a time there was an island

    With this reading, the memory of the great Venetian author Pino Sbalchiero will be kept alive. His greatest friend, Pino Costalunga accompanied by musicians, will interpret his lyrics celebrating him as a man and as an author.

    An artistic reading, to celebrate twenty years since the death of Pino Sbalchiero, and thirty from the last publication of his masterpiece book ” C’era Una Volta un’Isola – Storie della Pellagra ed altri racconti”. The other Pino, Pino Costalunga , who was the companion of “artistic raids” of the “island” writer in his last years and always present and attentive interpreter of his stories, has decided to present himself to the public with a new reading-rereading of Sbalchiero’s wonderful stories.

    Isola (which is Isola Vicentina and is the scene of the stories, together with the neighbouring places) becomes a magical place, a place of memory. It is a metaphor of a Veneto that perhaps no longer exists, disappeared like the Stella Boara of the story, which from dawn accompanied the farmer in his hard day made of sweat, fatigue, but also of simple joy and faith in a better future .

    Therefore, the work of Pino and his fellow musicians – for years focused on the study of the popular and literary traditions of our Venetian area – wants to remember the star Pino Sbalchiero. Through his story, the memory of Sbalchiero will be kept alive, who was not and is certainly one of the most important and interesting Venetian authors of the 20th century and should not be forgotten!

